علاج الخلايا الجذعية لمرض التوحد في أوروبا - علاج ADS

الخلايا الجذعية لعلاج التوحد في أوروبا - تحسين الكلام والسلوك

Experience Price

$5,500 السعر يبدأ من
الخلايا الجذعية لعلاج التوحد في أوروبا - تحسين الكلام والسلوك


احصل على علاج عالي النجاح لمرض التوحد باستخدام الخلايا الجذعية

هل تواجه صعوبة في إيجاد علاجات فعّالة لمساعدة طفلك المصاب بالتوحد على النمو؟ يُقدّم علاج الخلايا الجذعية للتوحد في أوروبا نهجًا واعدًا لتحسين الكلام والسلوك والنمو المعرفي. يستهدف هذا العلاج المبتكر العوامل العصبية، مما يُساعد الأطفال على تحسين مهارات التواصل، والحد من السلوكيات المتكررة، وتحسين التفاعل الاجتماعي.

لجأ العديد من الآباء الباحثين عن حلول بديلة إلى عيادات متخصصة في جميع أنحاء أوروبا، حيث تُقدم علاجات الخلايا الجذعية المتطورة وفق لوائح طبية صارمة. إذا كنت تبحث عن خيار مبتكر لدعم نمو طفلك، فقد يكون استكشاف علاج الخلايا الجذعية للتوحد في أوروبا قرارًا يُغير حياتك.

لمحة عامة عن أهم الرؤى

حزمة فعالة من حيث التكلفة لعلاج الخلايا الجذعية لاضطراب طيف التوحد في أوروبا

استكشف علاج التوحد بالخلايا الجذعية وباقات العلاج بالخلايا الجذعية في أوروبا، حيث جمعت بلاسيدواي خيارات منخفضة التكلفة من عيادات موثوقة. صُممت هذه الباقات لتوفر لك رعاية ممتازة دون تكلفة باهظة. ألقِ نظرة على قوائمنا واعثر على الباقة المثالية التي تناسب احتياجاتك وميزانيتك.

تكلفة علاج التوحد بالخلايا الجذعية في أوروبا

يُقدّم علاج التوحد بالخلايا الجذعية في أوروبا خيارًا أكثر فعالية من حيث التكلفة للعائلات التي تبحث عن رعاية. في المتوسط، تبدأ تكلفة العلاج بالخلايا الجذعية من 5,300 دولار أمريكي، وهو أقل بكثير من العلاجات المماثلة في الولايات المتحدة. يمكنك توفير ما يصل إلى 60% مع الاستمرار في تلقي رعاية عالية الجودة. قد تؤثر عوامل مثل الإجراءات الإضافية على السعر، ولكن كن مطمئنًا، لن تتنازل عن الجودة. استكشف هذه الفرصة لأحبائك اليوم!

Stem Cell Treatment for Autism مقارنة تكلفة المراكز في Europe

مزود إجراء سعر
CellCenter Stem Cell Treatment for Autism, Stem Cell Therapy $5300

Stem Cell Treatment for Autism Cost Comparison in Europe

دولة إجراء سعر
United States Stem Cell Treatment for Autism, Stem Cell Therapy $25000
Canada Stem Cell Treatment for Autism, Stem Cell Therapy $15000

أفضل مستشفى في أوروبا لعلاج التوحد بالخلايا الجذعية

تقدم عياداتنا الشريكة في أوروبا علاجًا مبتكرًا بالخلايا الجذعية لمرض التوحد، مع توفير علاجات حديثة في بيئات مُرحِّبة. تُركِّز هذه المراكز على رعاية فائقة وأطباء مُؤهَّلين لدعم العائلات التي تبحث عن حلول. تابع القراءة لمعرفة المزيد عن عياداتنا الموثوقة.

فيديو عن العلاج البديل لمرض التوحد باستخدام الخلايا الجذعية

اكتشف فيديوهات مفيدة حول علاج التوحد بالخلايا الجذعية في أوروبا. ستساعدك هذه المقاطع على فهم العملية، وما يمكن توقعه، ونصائح للتعافي. إنها طريقة رائعة للاستعداد والمعرفة. استكشف الفيديوهات أدناه للحصول على معلومات تدعمك قبل العلاج وأثناءه وبعده.

علاج التوحد بالخلايا الجذعية في أوروبا - آراء المرضى الحقيقيين

اطلع على قصص حقيقية لمرضى حول علاج التوحد بالخلايا الجذعية في [الموقع]. تُقدم هذه المراجعات من جوجل وترست بايلوت رؤىً قيّمة حول ما يمكن توقعه!

أهم الأسئلة الشائعة حول علاج الخلايا الجذعية لمرض التوحد في أوروبا

ما هو علاج الخلايا الجذعية لمرض التوحد وكيف يعمل؟

يتضمن علاج التوحد بالخلايا الجذعية استخدام الخلايا الجذعية لتحسين الأعراض المرتبطة باضطرابات طيف التوحد. يهدف العلاج إلى تجديد خلايا الدماغ التالفة وتعزيز الشفاء من خلال إدخال خلايا جذعية سليمة، مما يُساعد على تحسين التواصل والمهارات الاجتماعية والسلوك. تتضمن العملية عادةً تقييمًا دقيقًا من قِبل أطباء متخصصين، يليه إعطاء الخلايا الجذعية، إما عن طريق الحقن الوريدي أو بطرق أخرى، وفقًا لبروتوكول العلاج المُحدد.

ما هي فوائد العلاج بالخلايا الجذعية في أوروبا لمرض التوحد؟

يقدم العلاج بالخلايا الجذعية في أوروبا مزايا عديدة للأفراد المصابين بالتوحد. تتميز العيادات الأوروبية غالبًا بتقنيات طبية متطورة وأخصائيين مؤهلين تأهيلاً عالياً في هذا المجال. إضافةً إلى ذلك، وضعت العديد من الدول الأوروبية أطرًا تنظيمية تضمن ممارسات علاجية آمنة وأخلاقية. قد يستفيد المرضى من خطط علاجية شخصية، ورعاية متابعة شاملة، وبيئة داعمة تركز على العلاج الشامل وإعادة التأهيل.

كيف أختار عيادة لعلاج الخلايا الجذعية لمرض التوحد في أوروبا؟

عند اختيار عيادة لعلاج الخلايا الجذعية لمرض التوحد في أوروبا، ضع العوامل التالية في الاعتبار:

  • اعتماد العيادات والشهادات.
  • خبرة ومؤهلات الفريق الطبي.
  • آراء وتعليقات المرضى.
  • مجموعة من الخدمات المقدمة، بما في ذلك الرعاية قبل وبعد العلاج.
  • الدعم والمساعدة اللغوية للمرضى الدوليين.

إن البحث في هذه الجوانب سيساعدك على ضمان اختيار عيادة ذات سمعة طيبة تلبي احتياجاتك.

كيف هي عملية التعافي بعد العلاج بالخلايا الجذعية لمرض التوحد؟

تختلف عملية التعافي بعد العلاج بالخلايا الجذعية لمرض التوحد من شخص لآخر، ولكنها تتضمن عمومًا بضع خطوات رئيسية:

  • المراقبة الأولية في العيادة لأي ردود فعل فورية.
  • مواعيد المتابعة لتقييم التقدم وإجراء أي تعديلات ضرورية.
  • المشاركة في العلاجات الداعمة، مثل العلاج السلوكي أو المهني.

يمكن لمعظم المرضى العودة إلى روتينهم الطبيعي خلال بضعة أيام، ولكن من الضروري اتباع توصيات الفريق الطبي للتعافي بسلاسة.

هل هناك أي مخاطر مرتبطة بعلاج الخلايا الجذعية لمرض التوحد؟

مع أن علاج التوحد بالخلايا الجذعية يُعتبر آمنًا، إلا أنه، كأي إجراء طبي، ينطوي على بعض المخاطر. من بين هذه المخاطر المحتملة:

  • العدوى في مكان الحقن.
  • التفاعلات التحسسية لمادة الخلايا الجذعية.
  • استجابات غير متوقعة للعلاج.

من المهم مناقشة هذه المخاطر المحتملة مع مقدم الرعاية الصحية الخاص بك والتأكد من أن العيادة المختارة تتبع بروتوكولات السلامة الصارمة لتقليل المضاعفات.

Which are the Top Autism Treatment Centers in Europe?

Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that affects an increasing number of people worldwide. While there is no known cure for autism, there are many treatment options available that can help individuals with autism manage their symptoms and lead more fulfilling lives. One such treatment is regenerative medicine, which involves the use of stem cells to repair and regenerate damaged tissues in the body. In Europe, there are a growing number of autism treatment centers that specialize in regenerative medicine. These centers offer innovative and cutting-edge therapies that aim to improve the lives of individuals with autism. However, with so many options available, it can be challenging to know which centers are the best and most reputable. In this guide, we will take a closer look at some of the best autism treatment centers in Europe that specialize in regenerative medicine. We will examine the various treatments they offer, their success rates, and what sets them apart from other treatment centers. By the end of this guide, you will have a better understanding of the different options available and be better equipped to make an informed decision about which autism treatment center is right for you or your loved one. Best Autism Treatment Centers in Europe Clinics Countries CellCenter Slovakia EmCell Clinic Ukraine Dr. Zacarias Galo Sanchez Spain Other Best Autism Services in Europe When it comes to finding the best autism services in Europe, there are many factors to consider, including the quality of care, the range of services offered, and the expertise of the staff. Some of the top autism services in Europe include specialized schools, therapy centers, and support groups that offer a wide range of services, including behavioral therapy, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, and more. These services are designed to provide individuals with autism the support they need to reach their full potential, build social and communication skills, and lead more independent lives. Additionally, many of these services also offer support for families and caregivers, providing them with the resources and guidance they need to support their loved ones with autism. Cost of Stem Cell Therapy for Autism Treatment in Europe Stem cell therapy is an innovative and promising treatment option for individuals with autism. It involves the use of stem cells to repair and regenerate damaged tissues in the body, which can help to improve symptoms associated with autism. While this therapy shows great potential, it is also important to understand the cost implications for individuals and families seeking this treatment. The cost of stem cell therapy for autism treatment in Europe can vary depending on several factors. On average, the cost of stem cell therapy can range anywhere between $10,000 - $12,000. However, this cost can fluctuate based on the specific treatment center, the type of stem cell therapy used, the number of treatments required, and any additional expenses, such as travel or accommodations. It is essential to note that the cost of stem cell therapy for autism treatment in Europe may not be covered by insurance. This means that individuals and families may need to bear the full cost of treatment themselves. However, some treatment centers may offer financing options or payment plans to help make this treatment more accessible to those who need it. Overall, while the cost of stem cell therapy for autism treatment in Europe may seem high, it is essential to consider the potential benefits and long-term impact of this innovative treatment option. Individuals and families should discuss their options with their healthcare providers and treatment centers to determine the best course of action for their specific needs and circumstances. Country Cost Europe $10,000 - $12,000 United States $18,000 Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy for Autism in Europe Stem cell therapy for autism is a new treatment protocol. Pocket-friendly prices. Top-notch clinics and research centers specialized in stem cell therapy for autism. Stem cell treatment for autism has a reduced risk of complications. The stem cells can transform into any kind of cell type and replace the damaged cells. Advantages of Autism Stem Cell Treatment Based on worldwide practice, specialists have noticed these improvements in autistic children after stem cell therapy: Better tolerance of different foods and improved digestion, children being willing to try new foods and liking them. Easier contact with the child, most important, first of all: eye contact; children who weren’t even setting their eyes on the objects, start looking at them with interest. More adequate behavior at home and outside. Less or no fear of loud noises, strangers and bright colors. Corrected verbal skills, with an enriched vocabulary; and if the child is non-verbal, s/he is very likely to start making sounds, syllables, and then pronounce words Writing skills improvement or development Refined self-care skills Improved attention span and concentration Stem cell therapy is an innovative, effective and safe method of autism treatment and can aid and improve the lives of many children suffering from autism. However, cell therapy is one of many steps when fighting autism and winning the battle with this condition, and integrated treatment like diet and educational program is always recommended for best results. The earlier autism is diagnosed and the earlier parents start helping the child, including stem cell treatment, the more chance the child has to be happy and healthy! Disclaimer Stem Cell Therapy is still an experimental treatment. Any information related to stem cell therapy provided in this website is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace a consultation with a licensed physician nor be construed as medical advice or any emergency health need you may be expecting.

What is the Cost of Stem Cell Therapy for Autism in Slovakia?

Stem Cell Treatment for Autism in Slovakia: A Comprehensive Guide Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition that impacts how millions of people around the world communicate, interact, and learn. It's called a "spectrum" because of how differently it affects each person. Some individuals might have mild challenges, while others may face more significant difficulties. Common characteristics of autism include struggles with social interaction, repetitive behaviors, and specific interests. While there's no one-size-fits-all cure for autism, various therapies and treatments can help individuals manage their symptoms and enhance their quality of life. Cost of Stem Cell Therapy for Autism in Slovakia The cost of stem cell therapy for autism in Slovakia can vary depending on several factors, including the clinic, the number of stem cell treatments required, and the individual's specific needs. However, compared to other countries, Slovakia offers competitive pricing, making it a more affordable option for many. Cost Factor Estimated Price (USD) Initial Consultation $540 - $1,080 Stem Cell Treatment (per session) $3,240 - $8,640 Follow-up Consultations $216 - $540 Accommodation (per week) $540 - $1,080 Travel Expenses Varies depending on location Important Considerations It's crucial to remember that stem cell therapy for autism is still in its early stages. While promising results have been observed, more research is needed to fully understand its long-term effects and efficacy. It's essential to have realistic expectations and discuss the potential benefits and risks with a qualified healthcare professional. Exploring Stem Cell Treatment as an Option In recent years, stem cell therapy has emerged as a potential treatment option for autism. This innovative approach aims to utilize the unique properties of stem cells to repair and regenerate damaged tissues in the body. Stem cells are like the body's raw materials, with the potential to develop into various types of cells. They play a crucial role in growth and development, and researchers believe they could hold the key to addressing neurological conditions like autism. CellCenter Why Consider Slovakia for Stem Cell Treatment? Slovakia has become a hub for stem cell therapy, attracting individuals from across the globe seeking advanced medical care. The country boasts state-of-the-art medical facilities and highly skilled healthcare professionals specializing in stem cell treatments. Slovakia's commitment to medical research and innovation has positioned it as a leader in this field. Additionally, the cost of stem cell therapy in Slovakia is often more affordable compared to other European countries and the United States, making it an attractive option for those seeking quality care at a more accessible price point. How Stem Cell Therapy Works for Autism Stem cell therapy for autism primarily focuses on using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). These cells possess the remarkable ability to modulate the immune system and promote tissue repair. While the exact mechanisms of how stem cells work in autism are still being investigated, several potential actions are proposed: Reducing Neuroinflammation: MSCs can help reduce inflammation in the brain, which is believed to play a role in autism. Stimulating Neuronal Repair: MSCs may promote the repair and growth of new neurons (brain cells), potentially improving brain function. Enhancing Immune Regulation: MSCs can help regulate the immune system, which is often dysregulated in individuals with autism. The Procedure: What to Expect The stem cell treatment procedure for autism typically involves several steps: Evaluation: A thorough medical evaluation is conducted to assess the individual's suitability for stem cell therapy. Stem Cell Source: MSCs are usually obtained from the individual's own bone marrow or adipose tissue (fat). Stem Cell Processing: The collected cells are processed in a laboratory to concentrate and purify the MSCs. Administration: The prepared MSCs are administered intravenously (through an IV drip) or intrathecally (into the spinal canal). Monitoring: Patients are closely monitored after the procedure for any adverse reactions and to assess treatment response. Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy for Autism While stem cell therapy for autism is still considered experimental, many patients have reported improvements in various areas, including: Communication Skills: Enhanced verbal and nonverbal communication abilities. Social Interaction: Increased social engagement and interaction with others. Behavioral Issues: Reduction in repetitive behaviors and improved emotional regulation. Cognitive Function: Improvements in attention span, learning, and memory. Sensory Sensitivities: Decreased sensitivity to sensory stimuli like sounds and lights. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 1. Is stem cell therapy safe for children with autism? Stem cell therapy, when performed by experienced medical professionals in a reputable clinic, is generally considered safe. However, like any medical procedure, there are potential risks and side effects. It's crucial to have a thorough discussion with your doctor to understand the specific risks and benefits for your child. 2. How long does it take to see results from stem cell therapy? The response to stem cell therapy can vary from person to person. Some individuals may notice improvements within a few weeks, while others may take several months 1  to see significant changes. It's important to be patient and follow the recommended treatment plan.   3. How many stem cell treatments will my child need? The number of stem cell treatments required can vary depending on the individual's condition and response to therapy. Some individuals may only need a single treatment, while others may benefit from multiple sessions. Your doctor will determine the appropriate treatment plan based on your child's specific needs. 4. Is stem cell therapy covered by insurance? Insurance coverage for stem cell therapy varies depending on the provider and the specific condition being treated. It's important to check with your insurance company to understand your coverage options. 5. What should I look for when choosing a stem cell clinic in Slovakia? When selecting a stem cell clinic in Slovakia, it's important to choose a reputable clinic with experienced medical professionals, state-of-the-art facilities, and a strong track record of successful treatments. You can research clinics online, read patient testimonials, and consult with your doctor for recommendations. Ready to Explore Stem Cell Treatment Options? Let PlacidWay Help You! If you're considering stem cell therapy for autism in Slovakia, PlacidWay can provide you with the information and support you need to make informed decisions. Our team can help you find qualified clinics, understand the costs involved, and navigate the treatment process. Contact us today to learn more about how stem cell therapy could potentially benefit your child.

Is Turkey the Best Destination for Spanish Families Seeking Stem Cell Therapy for Autism?

In recent years, Turkey has become a leading destination for stem cell therapy, particularly for treating Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Many Spanish families searching for innovative and effective treatments for their children are now considering Turkey as a viable option. The country offers a combination of cutting-edge medical facilities, affordable treatment costs, and advanced protocols that make it an attractive choice. Key Insights at a Glance Advanced treatments: Turkey offers state-of-the-art stem cell therapy for autism. Affordable costs: Treatment prices in Turkey are significantly lower than in Spain. Experienced specialists: Turkish doctors have extensive expertise in regenerative therapies. Modern infrastructure: Clinics in Turkey are equipped with the latest medical technology. Comprehensive international patient services: Full support for foreign families during treatment. World-Class Medical Facilities in Turkey Turkey has made significant investments in its healthcare infrastructure, developing hospitals and clinics that meet international standards. Renowned medical centers in Istanbul, such as Liv Hospital and Memorial Clinic, specialize in autism treatment using advanced stem cell therapy. These institutions offer comprehensive programs that integrate stem cell therapy with behavioral and educational interventions, providing a holistic approach to ASD treatment. Cost Comparison: Stem Cell Therapy in Turkey vs. Spain One of the main factors driving Spanish families to seek treatment in Turkey is the cost difference. Below is a general comparison of average treatment prices: Treatment Type Cost in Turkey (USD) Cost in Spain (USD) Stem Cell Therapy for Autism $6,500 - $7,800 $27,000 - $39,000 Stem Cell Therapy for Knee Conditions $2,000 - $2,500 $10,000 - $15,000 Stem Cell Therapy for Infertility $1,700 - $2,000 $8,000 - $12,000 Note: Costs may vary depending on the clinic and specific treatment protocol. This significant cost advantage makes Turkey a financially viable option for many families while maintaining high treatment quality. Expertise and Approach of Turkish Specialists Turkish medical professionals are highly trained in regenerative therapies and have vast experience in treating autism with stem cell therapy. Many specialists have received international training and actively participate in research related to ASD. Their multidisciplinary approach ensures that each patient receives a personalized treatment plan tailored to their specific needs. State-of-the-Art Technology and Modern Infrastructure Turkish clinics are equipped with cutting-edge medical technology, allowing them to implement innovative therapies and safe procedures. Advanced laboratories and high-tech medical equipment ensure that patients receive the best possible care. Additionally, many facilities hold international accreditations, demonstrating their commitment to medical excellence. Comprehensive Services for International Patients Understanding the needs of foreign families, clinics in Turkey offer comprehensive services to make the treatment process as smooth as possible. These services include: Travel and accommodation assistance: Help with flight bookings, airport transfers, and nearby lodging. Multilingual patient coordinators: Staff who speak Spanish to assist with communication and ensure a stress-free experience. Post-treatment follow-up programs: Ongoing monitoring and follow-up consultations to track patient progress and adjust treatment plans if necessary. These services make it easier for Spanish families to travel to Turkey for medical care without worrying about logistical challenges. Ethical and Safety Considerations While stem cell therapy for autism shows promising results, families should ensure they are well-informed and consult with medical professionals before making a decision. It is essential to verify the credentials of the clinic and confirm that the offered treatments comply with international regulations and are supported by scientific evidence. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) What is stem cell therapy for autism? Stem cell therapy is an experimental treatment that uses stem cells to repair or replace damaged brain cells to improve symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Is stem cell therapy in Turkey safe? Yes, reputable clinics in Turkey follow strict protocols and hold international accreditations to ensure high safety and quality standards in their treatments. How long does the treatment process take? A typical treatment protocol lasts around five days, including medical evaluations and the administration of stem cells. When can patients expect to see results? Results vary by patient. Some may notice improvements within a few weeks, while others may take several months to see significant changes. What type of stem cells are used? Most commonly, mesenchymal stem cells derived from umbilical cord tissue are used due to their regenerative and immune-modulating properties. Is multiple travel required to complete the treatment? In most cases, a single visit to Turkey is sufficient for the initial treatment. However, depending on the patient’s progress, follow-up sessions may be recommended. How is the travel and treatment process arranged? Turkish clinics provide full medical tourism services, including assistance with flights, accommodation, and transportation, making the experience convenient for international families. Start Your Child’s Stem Cell Therapy in Turkey Today! If you’re looking for innovative and affordable stem cell therapy for autism, Turkey offers world-class medical care with experienced specialists and cutting-edge technology. With lower costs, high success rates, and comprehensive international patient support, Turkey has become a top choice for Spanish families seeking effective autism treatments.Take the next step—schedule a consultation today and explore the possibilities of stem cell therapy in Turkey!

أفضل الأطباء لعلاج التوحد باستخدام الخلايا الجذعية في أوروبا

تعرّف على أخصائيينا ذوي الخبرة في علاج التوحد بالخلايا الجذعية في أوروبا. هؤلاء الأطباء المتفانون معتمدون ويركزون على تقديم رعاية آمنة وموثوقة. تابع القراءة لمعرفة المزيد عن خبرتهم وكيف يمكنهم مساعدتك.

أفضل الأنشطة في أوروبا قبل استخدام الخلايا الجذعية لعلاج التوحد

أثناء زيارتك لأوروبا لتلقي علاج التوحد بالخلايا الجذعية، اغتنم فرصة استكشاف معالمها الخلابة وثقافتها النابضة بالحياة. تقدم هذه القارة المتنوعة مزيجًا مثاليًا من الرعاية الطبية عالمية المستوى وتجارب السفر التي لا تُنسى.

يمكن الوصول بسهولة إلى العديد من هذه المعالم السياحية باستخدام وسائل النقل العام أو سيارات الأجرة المحلية، مما يجعل استكشافك سلسًا. اغتنم فرصة اكتشاف ثقافة أوروبا الغنية وجمالها الطبيعي، مع التركيز على صحتك ورفاهيتك.

حدد موعدًا للاستشارة حول الخلايا الجذعية لعلاج التوحد في أوروبا اليوم!

هل أنت مستعد لاستكشاف الطب التجديدي للتوحد في أوروبا ؟ نحن هنا لمساعدتك في الحصول على جميع المعلومات التي تحتاجها. تواصل مع PlacidWay اليوم، ودعنا نسهل عليك العملية معًا! رحلتك تبدأ بتواصل بسيط.

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الخلايا الجذعية لعلاج التوحد في أوروبا - تحسين الكلام والسلوك thumbnail

حول الخبرة

  • نطاق السعر: $5,500 - $13,000
  • علاج: Stem Cell Treatment for Autism, Stem Cell Therapy
  • موقع: Europe
  • العيادات: Geneis Clinic, Medical Park Hospitals Group, CellCenter, You Clinic,
  • الأطباء Dr. Milan Hric, Dr. Emilia Vlcek, Dr. Mgr. Karim Dakkak, MPH, MBA,
  • الحزم Paquete de terapia con células madre para el autismo en Izmir, Turquía, a cargo de You Clinic, Paquete de tratamiento con células madre para el autismo en Malacky, Eslovaquia, con procedimiento intravenoso únicamente por CellCenter, Paquete de tratamiento con células madre para el autismo en Malacky, Eslovaquia, con procedimiento intravenoso y nasal o intratecal únicamente por CellCenter, Paquete de terapia con células madre para el autismo en Estambul, Turquía, ofrecido por Medical Park,
  • ملخص احصل على علاج عالي النجاح لمرض التوحد باستخدام الخلايا الجذعية