Umut Antalya Dental Clinic Prices in Antalya Turkey
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Umut Antalya Dental Clinic Treatment Cost in Antalya Turkey

3 Reviews
Kanal Mahallesi, Antalya Blv. No. 110, 07080 Kepez/Antalya, Turkey, Antalya, Turkey
نطاق السعر: $500 - $500
المركز المرتبط: Umut Antalya Dental Clinic, Antalya, Turkey
الأطباء المرتبطون: Dt. Osman Cengiz – Dentist in Antalya Turkey
التخصص: Dentistry

عن Umut Antalya Dental Clinic

تتراوح أسعار Umut Antalya Dental Clinic بين في Antalya, Turkey لإجراءات Dentistry والمزيد. يوضح هذا النطاق وعد العيادة بتقديم رعاية عالية الجودة وبأسعار معقولة لمجموعة واسعة من المرضى المحليين والدوليين.

من خلال تقديم مجموعة متنوعة من خيارات التسعير، يضمن Umut Antalya Dental Clinic أن يتمكن المرضى من اختيار العلاجات التي لا تلبي احتياجاتهم الطبية فحسب، بل وتتناسب أيضًا مع أوضاعهم المالية. يساعد هذا النهج في إزالة الغموض عن تكاليف الرعاية الصحية وتمكين المرضى من اتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة بشأن خيارات العلاج المتاحة لهم في Antalya, Turkey

يشتهر مركز Umut Antalya Dental Clinic بخبرته الاستثنائية في تقديم إجراءات Dentistry وغيرها. ويضم المركز فريقًا من المتخصصين ذوي المهارات العالية والمرافق الحديثة والالتزام باستخدام أحدث التقنيات والأساليب.

يقع مركز Umut Antalya Dental Clinic في Antalya, Turkey، وقد اكتسب سمعة طيبة بفضل تميزه ورعاية مرضاه المتميزة. سواء كنت تبحث عن علاجات متقدمة أو دعم شامل، يضمن مركز Umut Antalya Dental Clinic حصول كل مريض على اهتمام شخصي ورعاية مصممة خصيصًا لتلبية احتياجاته المحددة.

Umut Antalya Dental Clinic Reviews

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    Airam S

    AVOID This clinic. *MEDICAL MALPRACTICES WARNING* UMUD DENTAL CLINIC DESTROYED MY MOUTH AND CAUSED ME ALL KIND OF PROBLEMS. They do not offer a real guarantee and just wash their hands!

    Dentists place implant in sinus and do not care about your health, only money!!!

    I put an implant in this clinic and it all looked good in the beginning. They are quick to make you feel safe and the installations are ok. However, they destroyed my mouth.

    80% of the implant they placed on the right of my mouth is inside MY SINUS cavity. TOTAL MEDICAL MALPRACTISE
    This has caused me terrible issues, the implant needed to be removed at my home country due to a dangerous sinus infection which kept me sick for a long time. I lost sensitivity in my face too.

    This clinic has been nothing but very unhelpful. I requested a refund and presented proof to them however they are full of lies and refuse to refund what they did wrong.

    When i walked into this clinic I had a tooth, they talked me into removing it and placing and implant. I followed trusting them and now I have nothing, no tooth, no implant.

    PLEASE for your health do search another clinic and do not support this people. I attach here the screenshot of my medical record, my invoice and my recent xray.

    I hope one day you pay for what you did wrong to me

    Mar 07 2024
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    A very clean, caring and caring institution. I think I am the only one who does not have a fear of dentists. But I would like to thank my doctor Osman Cengiz and his assistants who helped me to make the implant treatment easier and afterwards my doctor Sila. I would like to thank Mr. Elekci and his assistants you are all wonderful.

    Facebook Jan 05 2022
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    Nice and clean center. Their doctors are very competent people

    Facebook Jul 23 2020


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