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The Vein Center India Treatment Cost in Mumbai India

3 Reviews
301 - 302, Prabhat Chambers, Khar West, SV Road, Mumbai 400052, India
نطاق السعر: $4500 - $8000
المركز المرتبط: The Vein Center India, Mumbai, India
الأطباء المرتبطون: Dr. Saurabh Joshi, MD, FNVIR, MBA
التخصص: Cosmetic/Plastic Surgery, Vascular Surgery

عن The Vein Center India

تتراوح أسعار The Vein Center India بين في Mumbai, India لإجراءات Cosmetic/Plastic Surgery, Vascular Surgery والمزيد. يوضح هذا النطاق وعد العيادة بتقديم رعاية عالية الجودة وبأسعار معقولة لمجموعة واسعة من المرضى المحليين والدوليين.

من خلال تقديم مجموعة متنوعة من خيارات التسعير، يضمن The Vein Center India أن يتمكن المرضى من اختيار العلاجات التي لا تلبي احتياجاتهم الطبية فحسب، بل وتتناسب أيضًا مع أوضاعهم المالية. يساعد هذا النهج في إزالة الغموض عن تكاليف الرعاية الصحية وتمكين المرضى من اتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة بشأن خيارات العلاج المتاحة لهم في Mumbai, India

يشتهر مركز The Vein Center India بخبرته الاستثنائية في تقديم إجراءات Cosmetic/Plastic Surgery, Vascular Surgery وغيرها. ويضم المركز فريقًا من المتخصصين ذوي المهارات العالية والمرافق الحديثة والالتزام باستخدام أحدث التقنيات والأساليب.

يقع مركز The Vein Center India في Mumbai, India، وقد اكتسب سمعة طيبة بفضل تميزه ورعاية مرضاه المتميزة. سواء كنت تبحث عن علاجات متقدمة أو دعم شامل، يضمن مركز The Vein Center India حصول كل مريض على اهتمام شخصي ورعاية مصممة خصيصًا لتلبية احتياجاته المحددة.

The Vein Center India Reviews

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    Priya S

    I would like to sincerely thank both the doctors Dr.Saurabh Joshi and
    Dr. Rohit Basapure for the surgery they performed on both my legs. I developed a clot in my left leg and had varicose veins in both legs. After 5 months my legs are much better, the swellings have reduced, the skin colour and texture has improved, there is significantly less blue-ness of the skin and the pain is much less. The guidance and post-operative guidance given by the doctors is also very commendable. It is essential to get varicose veins corrected in time, before it becomes too serious an issue.

    Dr. Saurabh Joshi Feb 26 2024
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    NK G

    I had observed early varicose veins about 40 years which I kept neglecting until July 2019 when I had swelling on my right ankle and lots of itching. I was then advised by my GP that my varicose veins problem is highly aggravated and I should consult a varicose surgeon for surgery. We looked up the Internet and decided to consult Dr. Saurabh Joshi at Vein Center, Khar west in Mumbai. He examined me and advised surgery which I should have undergone many many years ago. While doing sonography he explained the problem in detail as well as how it would be tackled. He explained in great detail how the surgery will be done and said it would take about six months to see positive results.
    Dr. Saurabh made me very comfortable, spent a lot of time explaining everything in detail and answered all questions from me as well as my family. He is very polite and soft-spoken. He advised me to remain in touch through WhatsApp messages and kept advising me on change in medication and when to see him as and when he felt necessary.
    I would not hesitate to recommend him to anyone who is suffering from varicose veins.

    Dr. Saurabh Joshi Jan 23 2024
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    Priya A

    Best treatment for varicose veins in Vein Centre! Dr. Saurabh is one of the most humble, well experienced and reliable, doctors in town. Got both my legs (cause being - deep venous insufficiency) treated two years back and am doing quite well under his treatment. Kudos for all his recent achievements abroad and also for the new centre in Khar. Keep up the good work.

    Dr. Saurabh Joshi Jan 24 2024


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