What treatment
What treatment
اكتشف علاج الإيبوغايين في ليبرفيل، الجابون في Bwiti House، المتخصص في علاج الاكتئاب، والتعافي من الإدمان، وعلاج اضطراب ما بعد الصدمة، والمزيد منذ عام 1990.
اقرأ المزيد من التفاصيلتعال واستمتع بتجربة العلاج الشامل في مركز Satori Recovery، مركز علاج الإدمان الأول في مانيلفا، مالقة، إسبانيا. في مركز Satori Recovery، نؤمن بأن التعافي ممكن للجميع.
اقرأ المزيد من التفاصيلتشتهر مستشفى AUM بتقديم أفضل علاج بالخلايا الجذعية في الهند. يجمع مرفقنا المتطور في فادودارا، جوجارات، بين الخبرة الطبية وعلاجات الخلايا الجذعية المخصصة.
اقرأ المزيد من التفاصيلاشتهر مستشفى إن بي إسطنبول لأمراض الدماغ في إسطنبول، تركيا، بخياراته العلاجية المتقدمة في طب الأعصاب وجراحة الأعصاب والطب النفسي. وهو أول مستشفى خاص في البلاد متخصص في طب الأعصاب والطب النفسي، وحاصل على اعتماد اللجنة ا
اقرأ المزيد من التفاصيلاكتشف خيارات العلاج الخاصة بك مع عرض أسعار مجاني وغير ملزم!
احصل على عرض الأسعار الخاص بك الآن!يقدم مركز ريفيليا للتعافي في سانتا كروز دي تينيريفي بإسبانيا علاجًا متخصصًا للإدمان على الكحول والمخدرات والمقامرة والتكنولوجيا والطعام والمزيد.
اقرأ المزيد من التفاصيلمركز إعادة تأهيل فاخر لعلاج الإدمان والصحة العقلية في سوتوجراندي، ماربيل، إسبانيا. رعاية متخصصة، وبيئة هادئة، وعلاجات شخصية لإدمان المخدرات والإدمان السلوكي واضطرابات الصحة العقلية.
اقرأ المزيد من التفاصيل
I am very happy to provide positive feedback on Satori. This past summer I had a family member who was very unwell from alcohol abuse. I was scared for her life and knew I needed some external help to bring her back to herself. After researching what addiction supports are available in southern Spain, I discovered Satori and got connected with Luke who runs the Centre. He was very generous with his time and helped answer all of my questions and was able to get our family member very quickly into treatment. He was patient and very kind and supportive, which I really needed, to get through this difficult time. One of the things that appealed to me with Satori is the holistic approach that they take to addiction and recovery, combining a range of modalities in supporting someone who is struggling with alcohol or other substance abuse. The centre also feels very non-clinical which was vital for our family member who has a deep distrust of the medical system. Satori is a beautiful environment for healing and I'm happy to say that our family member emerged after a month of care in a completely different, healthier, happier and stronger place than when she entered Satori. The feedback I heard from our family member has been so positive about her experience at the Centre. Really wonderful, friendly staff, fantastic food, helpful medical and counselling support, interesting outings and activities, and generally a really great supportive environment for healing and detoxing. It was a huge relief to me to know that our relative was in good hands at Satori and it was so gratifying to witness the progress that she made during her time at the centre and now also since she returned home. The ongoing support that she is receiving has been very helpful in the form of twice weekly online counselling sessions and opportunities for day trips back at Satori. our family has also been able to make use of family counselling. Thank you so, so much Luke and your staff for the genuine care you show to your clients, and to their families, and for literally helping save lives. I am incredibly grateful that I stumbled across the Satori website and had the helpful conversation that I did with Luke that opened the doors to healing for our loved one.
اقرأ المزيد