اكتشف أفضل 10 أطباء Stem Cell Therapy في Malaysia

حدد موعدًا Stem Cell Therapy الخاص بك مع أفضل المتخصصين في Malaysia

Dr. Vignesh Sugumaran
lang-icon-dsearch لغة: English
Kuala Lumpur   Malaysia

Dr. Vignesh Sugumaran
Regenerative Medicine Specialist,

  • Regenerative Medicine Specialist,

تعرف على الدكتور فينيش سوجوماران: خبير في مكافحة الشيخوخة وعلاج الخلايا الجذعية الدكتور فينيش سوج

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Kuala Lumpur   Malaysia

Anti-Aging Medicine, Stem Cell Therapy

  • Anti-Aging Medicine, Stem Cell Therapy

نبذة عن الدكتورة سارة الخامس الدكتورة سارة في هي أخصائية مشهورة في مجال طب مكافحة الشيخوخة وعلاج ا

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Surasak Jirapornchai
lang-icon-dsearch لغة: English,Spanish
Bangkok   Thailand

Surasak Jirapornchai
Physiotherapist, Regenerative Medicine,

  • Physiotherapist, Regenerative Medicine,

عن الدكتور سوراساك جيرابورنشاي الدكتور سوراساك جيرابورنشاي هو معالج طبيعي يتمتع بخبرة عالية ومقر

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Dr. Chollawat Thongthaisi
lang-icon-dsearch لغة: English
Bangkok   Thailand

Dr. Chollawat Thongthaisi
Stem Cell Therapy,

  • Stem Cell Therapy,

الدكتور شولاوات ثونجثايسي - طبيب الخلايا الجذعية في بانكوك، تايلاند الدكتور تشولاوات ثونغثايسي ه

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اكتشف خيارات العلاج الخاصة بك مع عرض أسعار مجاني وغير ملزم!

احصل على عرض الأسعار الخاص بك الآن!
Dr. Pravin Patel
lang-icon-dsearch لغة: English,Hindi
Vadodara   India

Dr. Pravin Patel
Regenerative Medicine,

  • Regenerative Medicine,

يقدم الدكتور برافين باتيل أفضل علاج تجديدي في الهند . احجز استشارة الآن علاج الأوزون والعلاج الكمي

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Dr. Sunitta Patel
lang-icon-dsearch لغة: English,Hindi
Vadodara   India

Dr. Sunitta Patel
Regenerative Medicine,

  • Regenerative Medicine,

تقدم الدكتورة سونيتا باتيل أفضل الطب التكاملي في ولاية جوجارات بالهند. احجز استشارة الآن العلاج ب

اقرأ المزيد من التفاصيل
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Bangkok   Thailand

Dr. Sean Hu
Regenerative Medicine,

  • Regenerative Medicine,

الدكتور شون هو طبيب مشهور في مجال الخلايا الجذعية ومقره في بانكوك، تايلاند، وهو شخصية بارزة في شرك

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Dr. Pradeep Mahajan
lang-icon-dsearch لغة: English,Hindi
Navi Mumbai   India

Dr. Pradeep Mahajan
Regenerative Medicine,

  • Regenerative Medicine,

الدكتور براديب ماهاجان: طبيب متخصص في الخلايا الجذعية في مومباي، الهند يُعد الدكتور براديب ماهاجا

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اكتشف خيارات العلاج الخاصة بك مع عرض أسعار مجاني وغير ملزم!

احصل على عرض الأسعار الخاص بك الآن!
Dr. Darshan S. Angadi
lang-icon-dsearch لغة: English,Hindi
Bangalore,Bengaluru   India

Dr. Darshan S. Angadi
Regenerative Medicine,

  • Regenerative Medicine,

دكتور دارشان أنجادي: طبيب الخلايا الجذعية في بنغالورو، الهند في جيوستار الدكتور دارشان إس أنجادي

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Dr. Sirintip Jira-adsai
lang-icon-dsearch لغة: English
Bangkok   Thailand

Dr. Sirintip Jira-adsai
Regenerative Medicine

  • Regenerative Medicine

دكتور سيرينتيب جيرا أدساي - طب مكافحة الشيخوخة وطبيب الأمراض الجلدية نبذة عن الدكتور سيرينتيب جيرا

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Op. Dr. Yılmaz ÇAPAR
lang-icon-dsearch لغة: English
Antalya   Turkey

Op. Dr. Yılmaz ÇAPAR
Stem Cell Therapy,

  • Stem Cell Therapy,

نبذة عن الدكتور يلماز جابار الدكتور يلماز جابار هو جراح عظام وأخصائي طب رياضي متمرس ومقره في أنطال

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Discover the Best Stem Cell Therapy Options in Malaysia

When it comes to your health, nothing should be left to chance, especially when seeking specialized treatments like stem cell therapy. Malaysia, known for its advanced medical facilities and experienced specialists, offers a promising destination for those looking to enhance their health and well-being through innovative treatments. Imagine stepping into a world where cutting-edge technology meets compassionate care—all set in the vibrant, culturally rich backdrop of Malaysia. This could be your reality when choosing the right specialist for your treatment needs.

What qualifications should I look for in a stem cell therapist in Malaysia?

Choosing a qualified stem cell therapist in Malaysia involves several considerations to ensure the best outcomes:

  • Educational Background: Look for specialists who have undergone rigorous training and hold degrees from reputable medical schools.
  • Certifications: Ensure the therapist is certified by a recognized medical board in Malaysia, such as the Malaysian Medical Council.
  • Experience: Seek out doctors who have a solid track record of successfully performing stem cell therapies, with positive patient testimonials and case studies to back up their expertise.


What is the average cost of stem cell therapy in Malaysia?

The cost of stem cell therapy in Malaysia can vary widely based on the specific treatment and condition being addressed. Generally, prices might range from $5,000 to $20,000. Factors influencing the cost include the type of stem cells used, the complexity of the procedure, and the facility's reputation. It's advisable to consult with multiple clinics to get a comprehensive view of the expected costs.

Are there specialized stem cell therapists in Malaysia?

Yes, Malaysia boasts a number of specialists who focus exclusively on stem cell therapy. These professionals often work in state-of-the-art medical facilities that are equipped with the latest technology necessary for advanced medical treatments. Their specialization ensures that they are up-to-date with the latest advancements and research in the field of regenerative medicine.

How long does it take to recover from stem cell therapy in Malaysia?

Recovery times after stem cell therapy can vary depending on the individual and the specific treatment performed. Generally, patients may start to see improvements within a few weeks, but full benefits can take several months to manifest. Most patients can resume normal activities within a few days post-treatment, though specific recovery protocols may vary based on the doctor's advice.

What is the success rate of stem cell therapy in Malaysia?

Stem cell therapy in Malaysia has shown promising success rates, particularly in treatments related to orthopedics, chronic diseases, and cosmetic procedures. Success rates can vary, but many facilities report improvement in symptoms and quality of life for patients. It's important to have realistic expectations and discuss potential outcomes with your specialist.

What should I know about traveling to Malaysia for treatment with stem cell therapists?

Traveling to Malaysia for stem cell therapy requires some preparation:

  • Visa Requirements: Check if you need a visa to enter Malaysia and apply in advance.
  • Accommodation: Many medical facilities offer packages that include accommodation, or they can recommend nearby options.
  • Local Laws and Customs: Familiarize yourself with local customs and laws to ensure a smooth stay.
  • Travel Insurance: It's advisable to have travel insurance that covers medical treatments abroad.


Are translation services available for international patients visiting stem cell therapists in Malaysia?

Many clinics in Malaysia cater to international patients and offer translation services to ensure clear communication between the doctor and the patient. It's best to confirm this with the clinic beforehand to make sure they can accommodate your language needs.

Do stem cell therapists in Malaysia offer payment plans or financing options?

Some clinics in Malaysia may offer flexible payment plans or financing options to make the treatment more accessible. These options can vary by clinic, so it's a good idea to discuss them directly with the treatment provider during your initial consultation.

Explore Your Stem Cell Therapy Options in Malaysia Today

If you're considering stem cell therapy, Malaysia offers a compelling combination of expert doctors, advanced technology, and a welcoming environment for medical tourists. To learn more about your options and to find the best treatment plan tailored to your needs, start exploring today!