جراح السمنة البروفيسور الدكتور ألبر سيليك
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Prof Dr Alper Celik, Bariatric Surgeon - Istanbul, Turkey

Ayd?n Sokak No 1, Etiler Istanbul, Turkey
المركز المرتبط: Etiler Hastanesi
التخصص: Bariatric Surgeon,
اللغات: English
درجة: Metabolic Surgery
مجال التركيز: البروفيسور الدكتور ألبر سيليك | جراحة الأيض | جراح السمنة | عمليات تنظير البطن | إنقاص الوزن | التنظير الداخلي | علاج السمنة | SGIT | إسطنبول، تركيا

About - Prof Dr Alper Celik

الدكتور ألبر سيليك

سيرة الدكتور ألبر سيليك

الخبرة المهنية

  • 2005 - أصبح محاضرًا في جامعة غازي عثمان باشا في توكات، أولاً كمساعد تدريس ثم كأستاذ مساعد دكتور.
  • ٢٠٠٧ - عمل في مركز سايتاما الطبي التابع لجامعة جيتشي الطبية في اليابان كزميل سريري وبحثي بدعوة من الأستاذ الدكتور فوميو كونيشي. أنجز مشروعين بحثيين خلال هذه الفترة، وأتيحت له فرصة العمل والبحث مع الدكتور كازونوري كاساما.
  • ٢٠٠٨ - عمل في مستشفى ساو باولو ساو كاميليو في البرازيل، مع الدكتور ريكاردو كوهين والدكتور لويس بيرتي. ثم عمل مع الدكتور موفازال لاكداوالا والدكتور سورين أوغالي في الهند.
  • 2009 - أكمل خدمته العسكرية في أكاديمية جولهان الطبية العسكرية في أنقرة.
  • 2010 - تدرب في مجال تحويل مسار البنكرياس الصفراوي مع البروفيسور نيكولا سكوبينارو، الذي كان رئيسًا للجمعية الدولية لجراحة السمنة والتمثيل الغذائي في جنوة بإيطاليا ورئيس تحرير مجلة جراحة السمنة الدورية .
  • 2010 - بدأ العمل كأستاذ مساعد دكتور في جامعة يني يوزيل ضمن مجموعة المستشفيات العالمية.
  • 2011 - قام بتأسيس أول وحدة جراحة التمثيل الغذائي في تركيا في مستشفى يونيفرسال تقسيم الألماني.
    شارك الدكتور جيليك كمتحدث في اجتماع IFSO-EC (الاتحاد الدولي للعلاج الجراحي للسمنة والاضطرابات ذات الصلة - الفصل الأوروبي) الذي عقد في برشلونة، إسبانيا في أبريل 2012، تلاه عرض تقديمي في المؤتمر الوطني التركي الثامن عشر للجراحة في إزمير، تركيا في مايو 2012.

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Educational Background

1993 - started his medical education at the Ankara University Medical Faculty. 2000 - began his general surgery specialization at the Ankara Oncology Training and Research Hospital and completed his specialty in 2004.

Meetings, presentations & workshops

  • 2008 - participated to the 1st ACMOMS (1st Asian Consensus Meeting on Metabolic Surgery) meeting as a voting member.
  • 2009 - attended Metabolic Syndrome Symposium held in Etimesgut Military Hospital, as speaker.
  • 2010 - took part in the 1st World Workshop regarding Ileal Interposition Surgery in Hyderabad, India and had the opportunity to work with Dr. Surendra Ugale and Dr. Aureo DePaula in relation to this procedure.
  • 2011 - acted as session moderator at the IFSO-APC (International Federation for Surgical Treatment of Obesity and Related Disorders-Asia Pacific Chapter) meeting held in Japan and was voting member at the consensus conference.
  • 2011 - attended the IFSO meeting held in Hamburg-Germany.
  • 2012 - attended the Asia-Pacific Workshop on Metabolic Surgery for Type 2 Diabetes in Singapore
  • 2012 -  the 2nd Ileal Interposition Workshop held in Hyderabad India
  • 2012 - the Metabolic Surgery Consensus Conference held at Bangalore, India. He co-chaired the consensus during this conference.
  • 2012 - attended AMESCON (Asia Middle East Surgery Conference) which was held in Dubai and performed a speech.
  • 2012 - participated in the organization named “Diabetes Surgery BMI 24-34. How and Why” held in Malaga, Spain.
  • 2012 - organized the Ileal Interposition Symposium arranged at Taksim German Hospital on June 16th, 2012 and Live Workshop on Ileal Interposition on Oct 20, 2012.
  • 2012 - by the end of the year 2012, he made presentations firstly in 1st National Workshop on Obesity and Metabolic Surgery in Antalya on Nov 15, then in 7th Frankfurter Meeting in Germany on Nov 22-23, and in Symposia on Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic Disorders held in Konya on Nov 30-Dec 1, 2012.
  • 6-8 February, 2013 - participated ‘’Excellence in Diabetes’’ meeting in Istanbul .
  •  8-9 March, 2013 - attended “Obesity Symposium and Fight Against Obesity Platform” as speaker.
  • 10-13 April , 2013 - took part at “IFSO APC Meeting” congress held in Taiwan, as session moderator and speaker.
  • 17-21 April, 2013 - attended 49th National Diabetes Congress in Antalya, as speaker.
  • 22 May 2013 - was invited to Koln University by German-Turkish University Members and Academicians and attended to Metabolic Surgery themed symposium as speaker.
  • in May and June, 2013 - attended various meetings and symposia held in Azerbaijan and Georgia, and provided information about Metabolic Surgery.
  • May, 2013 - organized a seminar in Kazakhstan Asfendiyarov University titled ‘’Surgical Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes”.
  • 28-31 August, 2013 - attended 18th World Congress of IFSO (International Federation for Surgical Treatment of Obesity and Related Disorders) as regulatory board member, session moderator and speaker, which was held in Istanbul. During this congress, he also performed a live surgery with Dr. Surendra Ugale.
  • 5-8 September, 2013 - participated in Metabolic Syndrome Symposium held in Bodrum.
  • 2-6 October, 2013 - attended ELCD (Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Association) Congress as speaker.
  •  17-19 of October - participated in 1st Alma Mons CME Course in Serbia as regulatory board member and also performed a live surgery.
  •  24-26 October - attended Decision Making in Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Congress in Rome as regulatory board member and speaker.

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Member of the International Federation for Surgical Treatment of Obesity and Related Disorders.

Rewarded with "Surgeon of Excellence Accreditation"

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Etiler Hastanesi reviews

  • User Profile Image


    Every time I think of it, I go in and look at my teacher, be there, you are a doctor like the flower that gives life to our family, Alper.

    Google Jul 21 2022
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    The team he works with and himself are very interested and smiling. He followed the pre- and post-operative examinations and acted according to the test results. He did not necessarily say to have surgery. When you go, he examines you first and guides you. He becomes a guide. Thanks for your interest

    Google Jul 22 2022
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    I am giving five stars to make my comment stand out.... I definitely dont recommend it. She had diabetes surgery on my relative and the woman is currently bedridden and is not interested, she never accepts her mistake, she should definitely be dismissed......... If we want to take him to the doctor, it is always said that the doctor who brought this patient to this situation should fix it, but Alper Çelik threw us out of the hospital (yes, read carefully). There is no such thing as not paying attention after the surgery, the woman is now 40 kg, there is an endless diarrhea for two years......

    Google Sep 30 2022
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    Alper, you waited by me at night, you came early in the morning, we love you very much, my teacher.

    Google Oct 06 2022
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    My father healer is an extraordinary wonderful person, everything about your team was great, God bless you

    Google Oct 07 2022
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    It is an extremely beautiful and hygienic clinic. more importantly, the employees are very kind and caring.

    Google Mar 09 2021

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