Dr. Dilek Durak, Periodontist - Istanbul, Turkey
About - Dr. Dilek Durak
تخرجت الدكتورة ديليك دوراك من كلية طب الأسنان بجامعة مرمرة عام ١٩٩٥. وتخرجت عام ٢٠٠٢ كأخصائية في أمراض اللثة بدوام كامل. ومنذ عام ١٩٩٥، دأبت على تطوير معارفها ومهاراتها التقنية من خلال حضور دورات التعليم المستمر والمؤتمرات ذات الصلة. الدكتورة ديليك دوراك عضو في العديد من المنظمات المهنية، وهي عضو في المجلس التركي لطب اللثة، والأكاديمية الأوروبية لطب اللثة، والفريق الدولي لزراعة الأسنان. تتحدث الإنجليزية.
2002: D.D.S (PhD) Marmara UniversityFaculty of Dentistry, PeriodontologyDepartment, İstanbul, Turkey
1995: Msc MarmaraUniversityFaculty of Dentistry,İstanbul, Turkey
1995: Bsc MarmaraUniversityFaculty of Dentistry,İstanbul, Turkey
Clinical and microbiological evaluation of local minocycline (Periocline®) therapy in the treatment of adult periodontitis patients and comparison of microbiological parameters with Periocheck®chairside test kit and cultural method. (This research was supported by Sunstar, Japan)
Kuru, L., Noyan, Ü., Yılmaz, S., Kuru, B., Argun, D., Arda, O.: The effect of soft laser on initial treatment of patients with adult periodontitis. A clinical and histologic study. Journal of Marmara University Dental Faculty, 4(2): 107-114, 2000.
Yılmaz S, Kuru B, Kuru L, Noyan Ü, Argun D, Kadir T.:The effect of galium arsenide diode laser on human periodontal disease: A microbiological and clinical study. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 30:60-66:2002.
Gürsoy H, Kuru B, Noyan Ü, Argun D, Yılmaz S, Demiralp E: Aggressive Periodontitis: Case Reports. Turkish Periodontology Association33rd.Scientific Congress, 2003, Antalya, Turkey. (Poster Presentation)
Oral Presentations in International andNational Congress
Noyan, Ü., Kuru, L., Argun, D., Kadir, T., Kuru, B.,Yılmaz, S.:The effect of soft laser on patients with adult periodontitis. A clinical and microbiological study.Turkish Dental Society and World Dental Society Congress, 21-26 June, 1999, İstanbul.
Kuru, L., Yılmaz, S., Kuru, B., Noyan, Ü., Argun, D., Arda, O.: The effect of soft laser on initial treatment of patients with adult periodontitis. A clinical and histologic study. Turkish Periodontology Association 30th. Scientific Congress, 27 August-2 September 2000, Antalya.
Argun D., Yılmaz S.: Clinical and microbiological evaluation of local minocycline (Periocline®) therapy in the treatment of adult periodontitis patients and comparison of microbiological parameters with Periocheck®chairside test kit and cultural method. Turkish Periodontology Association33rd.Scientific Congress, 2003, Antalya, Turkey.
Scientific Grant:
- Periocline&Periocheck test materials were granted from SUNSTAR, Japan,1998.
Research: Microbiologicalandclinicalevaluation of mechanical periodontal treatment and/or local/systemic minocycline administration in adult periodontitis patients - This research was also supported by Marmara University Scientific Research Projects Unit.
Research Interests
- Diagnosis of dental/oral diseases
- Microbiology of periodontal diseases
- İmplant dentistry
- Periodontal surgery (Resective, regenerative, augmentation procedures, soft tissue operations)
Dr. Dilek Durak is a member of numerous professional organizations and the Turkish Board of Periodontology, European Academy of Periodontology, International Team for Implantology.
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