دكتور كوشكون تيسيمر - أفضل طبيب أورام في إسطنبول، تركيا
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Coskun Tecimer, Oncologist, Hematologist - Istanbul, Turkey

Abide-i Hürriyet Caddesi 166 Istanbul, Turkey
المركز المرتبط: Group Florence Nightingale Hospitals
التخصص: Oncologist, Hematologist,
اللغات: English
درجة: M.D Prof.
مجال التركيز: كوشكون تيجيمر | إسطنبول | تركيا | أخصائي علاج السرطان | طبيب أورام | طبيب أورام في إسطنبول، تركيا

About - Coskun Tecimer

Coşkun Tecimer M.D. - Oncologist in Istanbul, Turkey

تخرج الدكتور جوشكون تيجيمر من كلية الطب في هاجيتيبي عام 1981. وأكمل تخصصه في قسم الطب الباطني في نفس الجامعة عام 1987. وفي وقت لاحق، تم تعيينه أستاذًا مساعدًا في قسم الطب الباطني في كلية الطب بجامعة إينونو.

أصبح الدكتور تيجيمر أستاذًا مشاركًا عام ١٩٩٣. التحق بقسم أمراض الدم بجامعة مرمرة كمساعد عام ١٩٩٤، وأكمل تخصصه الفرعي في أمراض الدم والأورام في جامعة لويزفيل بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بين عامي ١٩٩٦ و١٩٩٩. عاد إلى تركيا عام ٢٠٠٠، وعُيّن أستاذًا في جامعة قادر هاس، التي أنشأت قسم الأورام الطبية. ثم انتقل إلى جامعة ديمير أوغلو للعلوم.

يعمل الدكتور تيسيمر في قسم أمراض الدم والأورام في مستشفى جايريتيبي فلورنس نايتنجيل منذ 17 عامًا وهو أيضًا رئيس قسم الأورام الطبية في جامعة ديمير أوغلو للعلوم.

يحتاج تيسيمر إلى تركيا وكذلك في أمريكا وأوروبا وقد تم نشره في مجلات محكمة باللغتين الإنجليزية والتركية وهناك العديد من المقالات الطبية وفصول الكتب.

احجز استشارتك لعلاج السرطانمع الدكتور كوشكون تيسيمر، أخصائي الأورام ذو الخبرة العالية في إسطنبول، تركيا .

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Work Experience and Educational Background:

  • Specialist in Oncology Treatment

  • Graduated from the Hacettepe Faculty of medicine in 1981.

  • He completed a specialization in the Internal medicine department of the same university in 1987.

  • Assistant professor at Inönü University Faculty of medicine department of ınternal medicine.

  • Associate professor in 1993.

  • Entered Marmara University's hematology department as an assistant in 1994.

  • Completed his sub-specialty in hematology-oncology at Louisville University in the USA between 1996-1999.

  • In 2000 was established as a professor at Kadir Has University, the medical oncology department.

  • Over 17 years of clinical practice at Gayrettepe Florence Nightingale Hospital, department of hematology-oncology.

  • The head of the medical oncology department at Demiroğlu Science University.

  • Speaks English and Turkish.



  • Tecimer C, Oram Y, Tecimer T. Lupus vulgaris in a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis. Cutis 1994; 53:246-8.

  • Tecimer C, Yam LT. Surreptitious superwarfarin poisoning with brodifacoum. Southern Medical Journal 1997; 90:1053-5.

  • Tecimer C, Loy BA, Martin AW. Acute myeloblastic leukemia (M0) with an unusual chromosomal abnormality: Translocation (1;14) (p13;q32). Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 1999; 111:175-7.

  • Tecimer C, Doering D, Abdulhay G, Goldsmith J, Meyer JS, Wittliff JL. Clinical relevance of urokinase-type plasminogen activator, its receptor and inhibitor type 1 in ovarian cancer. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 2000; 10:372-81.

  • Tecimer C, Doering D, Abdulhay G, Goldsmith J, Meyer JS, Wittliff JL. Clinical relevance of urokinase-type plasminogen activator, its receptor and inhibitor type 1 in endometrial cancer. Gynecologic Oncology 2001; 80:48-55.

  • Alço G, İğdem Ş, Dinçer M, Tecimer C, Şentürk R, Vural M, Okkan S. Gemcitabine induced radiation recall myositis: Report of two cases. International Journal of Hematology and Oncology 2009; 19: 249-253.

  • Akun E, Okutur K, Seber S, Korkmaz T, Aydın K, Bozkurt M, Namal E, Hasbal B, Tecimer C, Demir G. Safety and tolerability of first-line bevacizumab in metastatic colorectal cancer. Journal of Balkan Union of Oncology 2012; 17: 669-76.

  • Pilancı KN, Elbüken F, Ordu Ç, Köksal G, Tekelioğlu MH, Okutur K, Göksel S, Köksal Ü, Akçal T, Tecimer C. A case of sunitinib induced hyperammonemic encephalopathy and hypothyroidism in metastatic renal cell carcinoma. American Journal of Theapeutics (in press)

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Group Florence Nightingale Hospitals reviews

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    Burcşn K

    I was at Istanbul Caglayan Florance Hospital on 17th September. Big disappointment in every way. From beginning to end. The check up Dr Aysan Taghiyeve was only listened my heart beat and than suggested me to do more tests and absolutely nothing else. No other conversation. She was not interested to heal me or help me with my health problems at all. I can easily get better quality doctors in Public Hospital (for free!) She has no smile or either zero empathy on her attitude. I kindly ask to switch my doctor and then I got better Dr. He was more informative and helpful straight away. Because of the long waiting time between two doctors I had breakfast after all my blood works. Had breakfast but now my second dr was ask to do more other test but bcs I had breakfast I couldn’t. Unfortunately I disappointed again. After all they told me my test results will be ready later during the day. No body call me to inform me about my results. Call the customer service at least 5 or 6 times told check up department not picking up. Left my phone number still no response. Never ever go to this hospital again and I never suggest to anyone. Running very unprofessionally.

    Sep 17 2024
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    Hello, thank you for your evaluation, we wish you a healthy day.

    Google May 10 2023
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    It is a hospital whose doctors, hospital staff, cleanliness and hygiene are 4/4. They took very good care of my brother, we cant thank them enough

    Google May 24 2023
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    Its so good

    Google Jul 31 2023
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    I had two surgeries with the diagnosis of Breast Cancer. My surgery was performed by Dr. Cengiz Dİbekoğlu. I thank him. I was very sad and devastated when I went to Gayrettepe for chemotherapy, our esteemed teacher Prof. Çetin Ordu, and although the chemotherapy was difficult at first due to the effects of the drugs, I could reach him at any time with his knowledge, interest and care. It is very important. I would like to thank him and his entire team, especially nurse Dilek and nurse Zeynep. They are a nice team that does their job very well. I understood from the first examination and chemotherapy that I was in safe hands. I am glad they exist. May God not show their shortcomings. Thank you very much.

    Google Aug 01 2023
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    For my mom surgery, Dr. We got to know the hospital through Mr. Hamdi Koçer. From the very first entrance, you meet with interest and smiling face at the hospital. The employees working in each different unit are so helpful and good that we are very, very pleased. It is in the hospital that our doctor has chosen wonderfully. Thank you to all the employees who contributed. We were very pleased for their kind behavior.

    Google Aug 08 2023

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