تصغير الثدي في تركيا

Experience Price

$3,500 السعر يبدأ من
تصغير الثدي في تركيا


اختر عملية تصغير الثدي في تركيا - خيار تصغير الثدي بأسعار معقولة

إذا لم تكن راضيًا عن حجم ثديك الكبير، فيجب أن تفكر في إجراء عملية تصغير الثدي في تركيا . تمتلك تركيا بعضًا من أفضل عيادات وأطباء جراحة التجميل في العالم الذين يقدمون معدل نجاح مرتفع في جراحة الثدي.

في هذا الدليل، نقارن بين أفضل المستشفيات والعروض والتكاليف لعملية تصغير الثدي في تركيا. يمكنك الاختيار من بين مجموعة واسعة من الخيارات مثل:

عيادة: مركز فلورينسيل للتجميل والجمال

الإجراء: تصغير الثدي

سعر الباقة: بين 2,560 و 4,100 دولار

التكلفة في تركيا : من 2600 دولار

التكلفة في البلدان الأخرى: من 6000 دولار

أهم المعالم السياحية: قصر توبكابي، أفسس، كابادوكيا، أنطاليا، باموكالي، والمزيد.

أفضل العروض لتصغير الثدي في تركيا

إذا اخترت بعض عروضنا الترويجية، يمكنك توفير أكثر من 50% من الأموال والاستمتاع بإجازة فريدة من نوعها في تركيا الخلابة. يمكنك الاطلاع على المزايا والأسعار لكل باقة أدناه والتي تتراوح بين 2560 دولارًا و4100 دولارًا.

سيتم تحديد السعر النهائي بعد أن يقوم الطبيب بفحصك. ومع ذلك، لا تزال تركيا خيارًا أكثر تكلفة لإجراء عملية تصغير الثدي، بما في ذلك تكلفة السفر.

كم تكلفة عملية تصغير الثدي في تركيا؟

هل ترغبين في معرفة تكلفة عملية تصغير الثدي في تركيا؟ نقدم لك هنا معلومات دقيقة عن أسعار عملية تصغير الثدي في العيادات الموصى بها في تركيا ونقارنها بدول أخرى. تتراوح تكلفة عملية تصغير الثدي في تركيا من 2600 دولار إلى 3700 دولار ، أي أقل بنسبة 60% من تكلفة عملية تصغير الثدي في ألمانيا أو المملكة المتحدة أو الولايات المتحدة.

على سبيل المثال، في المملكة المتحدة وألمانيا، يتعين عليك دفع أكثر من 7000 دولار أمريكي مقابل عملية تصغير الثدي، بينما في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، ستبلغ التكلفة أكثر من 6000 دولار أمريكي. اطلع على الجدول التالي لمعرفة الأسعار.

Breast Reduction مقارنة تكلفة المراكز في Turkey

مزود إجراء سعر
Optimed International Hospital Breast Reduction, Cosmetic/Plastic Surgery $2600
Florencell Aesthetic & Beauty Center Breast Reduction, Cosmetic/Plastic Surgery $3700

Breast Reduction Cost Comparison in Turkey

دولة إجراء سعر
Germany Breast Reduction, Cosmetic/Plastic Surgery $7179
United States Breast Reduction, Cosmetic/Plastic Surgery $6000
United Kingdom Breast Reduction, Cosmetic/Plastic Surgery $7000

أفضل عيادات تصغير الثدي في تركيا

عند اختيار أفضل مركز لجراحة التجميل في تركيا لتصغير الثدي، يجب عليك أن تأخذ النقاط البارزة التالية في الاعتبار:

  • خبرة الأطباء - يعتمد نجاح جراحة الثدي في تركيا على احترافية الطبيب، حيث يجب أن يتمتع بخبرة واسعة تزيد عن خمس سنوات، وشهادة البورد من مؤسسات مرموقة، والقدرة على المتابعة معك بعد الجراحة.
  • الاعتماد الطبي - تعتبر العيادات التي تتمتع بالاعتماد الدولي الخيار الأفضل للمرضى. كما يجب أن تطبق بروتوكولات نظافة صارمة وأن يكون لديها طاقم طبي محترف.
  • تقييمات تصغير الثدي - ستساعدك شهادات المرضى الحقيقيين حول تصغير الثدي في اختيار العيادة الأنسب لك. فهي توفر معلومات حول تكاليف تصغير الثدي وخبرة الأطباء ومعايير العيادة.
  • تكلفة تصغير الثدي - إن عملية تصغير الثدي في تركيا ناجحة مثلها مثل عمليات تصغير الثدي في أوروبا أو أمريكا، ولكنها تكلف أقل بمرتين إلى ثلاث مرات. ويرجع هذا إلى انخفاض تكاليف المعيشة وانخفاض أسعار بناء العيادات والمستشفيات. تقوم العيادات في تركيا بإجراء عمليات تصغير الثدي بنجاح للإناث والذكور بأسعار في متناول الجميع.

شاهدي فيديوهات عن جراحة تصغير الثدي في تركيا

يمكن أن تكون عملية تصغير الثدي بمثابة جراحة تغير حياة المرضى الذين يهدفون إلى تقليل حجم الغدد الثديية وتحسين شكل الثدي. شاهد في مقاطع الفيديو أدناه تجارب المرضى السابقين الذين يعانون من نفس حالتك.

مراجعات جراحة التجميل في تركيا من مرضى موثوقين

اقرأ إجاباتنا حول أسئلة جراحة تصغير الثدي في تركيا

هل تريد أن تعرف من هم أفضل جراحي التجميل في تركيا وما هو سعر عملية تصغير الثدي في إزمير؟ لدينا إجابات لهذه الأسئلة، والتي يمكنك قراءتها أدناه بمزيد من التفصيل.

Who are the Top 10 Plastic Surgeons in Istanbul, Turkey?

Plastic surgery helps people feel better and look nicer. Many people go to Istanbul, Turkey, to get plastic surgery. Istanbul is known for having great doctors, new tools, and lower prices. This guide will tell you about some of the best doctors in Istanbul and why people like going there. Why is Istanbul a Good Place for Plastic Surgery? Good Prices and Great Quality:Getting plastic surgery in Istanbul costs less money than in many other places. But the doctors are very good, and they use the best and newest tools. This makes a lot of people want to come to Istanbul for plastic surgery. Experienced Doctors: The plastic surgeons in Istanbul have learned a lot from the best schools. They have done many surgeries, and they are very good at what they do. They also know the latest ways to make sure surgeries are safe and look great. Special Packages for Visitors: Many clinics in Istanbul have special packages for people who are visiting. These packages have everything you need, like the cost of surgery, a hotel to stay in, rides from the airport, and help after surgery. Top 10 Plastic Surgeons in Istanbul, Turkey Here are some of the best plastic surgeons in Istanbul. These doctors are very good at taking care of their patients. They use special skills to make people feel and look their best. Each of these doctors has many happy patients who love the results of their surgeries. Dr. Ekrem Keskin  Dr. Keskin helps people get their hair back. He makes sure that the results look real and last a long time. Many people are happy with his work. He is very careful and listens to what each patient wants. He helps them feel more confident with their new look. Dr. Keskin takes time to explain every part of the process so his patients know what to expect and feel comfortable the whole time. Dr. Ozhan Celebiler Dr. Celebiler has helped people look better for more than 35 years. He is kind and makes sure his patients feel safe and comfortable. He always takes his time to explain what will happen during surgery. His patients trust him because he makes sure they understand everything. Dr. Celebiler always makes sure his patients are happy with their results, and he is always there to answer any questions they have. Assoc. Prof. Nihal Durmus Kocaarslan Dr. Kocaarslan is careful during surgery. She helps people feel happy with how they look. Her patients trust her to do a good job. She has helped many people who wanted to change something about themselves, and she always makes sure they feel good about the results. Dr. Kocaarslan also listens very carefully to her patients, so she understands what they want. She makes sure they feel relaxed and comfortable throughout the whole process. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Bayramicli Dr. Bayramicli makes sure his patients get the best care and look great. He is known for making people feel good about themselves. He listens carefully and gives his patients a lot of attention. Many people say that he makes them feel special and helps them achieve the look they have always wanted. Dr. Bayramicli is very gentle and kind, and he always takes time to make sure his patients are happy with their new look. Dr. Oguz Kayiran Dr. Kayiran uses new ways to help patients look natural. He cares about keeping his patients safe. He makes sure that each person is happy with how they look and gives them advice on how to take care of themselves after surgery. His kind nature makes patients feel calm and comfortable. Dr. Kayiran also helps his patients feel good by explaining all the steps and making sure they understand how to take care of themselves after surgery. Dr. Ali Cem Oktay Dr. Oktay helps people with hard surgeries. He makes sure that everything looks good and works well. He has lots of experience and helps his patients feel better. He knows how to fix problems that are very hard, and he always makes sure his patients are safe and happy. His patients are thankful because he helps them improve their lives. Dr. Oktay makes sure each patient understands what will happen and takes great care to make everything just right. Dr. Duran Cekic Dr. Cekic helps his patients look beautiful and feel happy. He is careful and makes sure his patients are safe. He also talks to his patients about what they want and makes sure they understand each step of the process. He makes sure that his patients are comfortable, and he gives them the best care. Dr. Cekic takes time to plan the surgery so that each patient gets the best results possible, and he always makes his patients feel important. Dr. Muzaffer Kurt Dr. Muzaffer Kurt is a very good plastic surgeon in Istanbul, Turkey. He is really careful and makes sure his patients are safe and happy. He helps people look better and feel good about themselves. Dr. Semih Tiber Dr. Semih Tiber is a doctor who helps people look nice and feel happy. He listens to what they want and takes his time to help them. Dr. Semih is very kind and makes sure everyone feels special. His patients love how he helps them look their best and feel great about themselves. Dr. Salih Onur Basat Dr. Salih Onur Basat is a doctor who helps people look nice and feel happy. He is very careful and makes sure everyone stays safe. He talks to his patients and listens to what they want. He also explains all the steps so everyone understands. Dr. Salih Onur Basat plans everything to make sure his patients get the best results. He is kind and makes sure everyone feels special and happy with his care. Things to Think About When Choosing a Plastic Surgeon in Istanbul Picking the right plastic surgeon is very important. Here are some things to think about: Experience: Make sure the doctor knows a lot about the kind of surgery you need. The more experience a doctor has, the better they will be able to help you. A doctor who has done many surgeries will know how to keep you safe and make you happy with the results. Reviews: Look at what other people say about the doctor. See if they were happy with their results. Reading reviews from real patients can help you make a good decision. You can see what other people liked and if they were happy with the way they were treated. Clinic Quality: The clinic should be clean, and people should say good things about it. The clinic should have modern tools and follow safety rules. This will help make sure you are safe. It is also good to see if the clinic staff are friendly and helpful because that will make you feel more comfortable. Communication: It is important that the doctor listens to you and explains things clearly. You need to feel comfortable asking questions. If the doctor answers your questions well, you will feel more relaxed. The doctor should also make sure you understand what will happen and what to expect after surgery. How Much Does Plastic Surgery Cost in Turkey? Plastic surgery in Turkey costs less money compared to other countries. Here are some of the popular surgeries and their costs: Procedure Cost Range (USD) Nose Job (Rhinoplasty) $2,500 - $4,500 Breast Augmentation $3,000 - $5,000 Liposuction $1,800 - $4,000 Tummy Tuck $3,000 - $6,000 Facelift $4,000 - $7,000 The exact cost will depend on the kind of surgery and the doctor. Sometimes the price can change because of things like the doctor's experience or the tools used. Frequently Asked Questions Why do people go to Turkey for plastic surgery? People like going to Turkey because they get good care for less money. Many doctors are very good and use the newest tools and ways to help patients. Also, Turkey is a beautiful place to visit, and many people enjoy seeing new places while they are there. They can have fun exploring the city and also get the surgery they need. Is it safe to get plastic surgery in Turkey? Yes, it is safe if you choose a clinic with good reviews and experienced doctors. Many clinics in Turkey follow rules to make sure people stay safe. You should always make sure to pick a doctor with good training and ask lots of questions before your surgery. When you choose the right clinic and doctor, you can feel safe and relaxed. How do I choose the right plastic surgeon in Turkey? You should read reviews, look at before-and-after pictures, and make sure the doctor answers your questions. Pick someone who makes you feel comfortable. It is important that the doctor understands your needs and that you trust them to do a good job. You can also talk to the doctor before deciding, so you know if they are the right person for you. What is the recovery like after surgery in Turkey? Recovery depends on the surgery. The doctor will tell you how to take care of yourself. Many clinics will also help you while you heal. You may need to rest for a few days or weeks, depending on what kind of surgery you had. Make sure to follow the doctor’s instructions so you can heal well. The clinic will give you medicine and help you feel better after surgery. Do doctors in Turkey have international training? Yes, many doctors in Turkey have trained in other countries and keep learning new ways to do surgery. This helps them stay up-to-date and provide the best care possible. Many doctors also attend international meetings to learn more. They want to make sure they can give their patients the best results. How long do I need to stay in Turkey for surgery? It depends on the surgery. Some people stay 5 to 7 days for simple surgeries. For bigger surgeries, you might need to stay 10 to 14 days. This is to make sure everything is okay and that you are healing well before you go home. The doctor will check on you to make sure you are getting better and feeling good. Can I have a vacation while getting surgery in Turkey? Some people enjoy a vacation after their surgery. It is important to rest and follow the doctor's instructions, but you can do light activities after small surgeries. Turkey has many wonderful places to see, like historical sites, markets, and pretty buildings. You can take it easy and enjoy some of the sights while you heal. Can I talk to a doctor before coming to Turkey? Yes, many clinics let you talk to a doctor online before you come. This way, you can ask questions and make a plan. The doctor will tell you what to expect and how to get ready for surgery. Talking to the doctor before your trip helps you feel more prepared.  What surgeries are popular in Turkey? Many people get nose jobs, breast surgery, liposuction, tummy tucks, and Brazilian butt lifts in Turkey. Hair transplants and treatments like Botox are also common. People choose these surgeries because they want to look better and feel more confident. The doctors in Turkey are very skilled and help people get the look they want. Do clinics in Turkey have packages for people from other countries? Yes, many clinics have packages that include everything you need, like surgery, hotel stays, and rides from the airport. This makes it easy for people traveling from other countries. These packages are helpful because you don't have to worry about planning everything by yourself. The clinic will help make sure you have a nice place to stay, and they will take care of you before and after surgery. Why Choose PlacidWay for Plastic Surgery in Turkey? PlacidWay helps you find the best clinics and doctors for plastic surgery in Turkey. They help you plan everything, from talking to the doctor to getting care after surgery. PlacidWay makes sure you get good care at a price you can afford. They work with clinics that are trusted and experienced, so you can feel confident that you are getting the best care possible. PlacidWay also helps answer any questions you have, making sure you are ready for your trip and surgery.

جراحون في تركيا لتصغير الثدي

يستطيع أفضل جراحي التجميل في تركيا أن يقدموا لك نتائج تصغير الثدي المرغوبة. قبل اختيار الجراح المناسب لاحتياجاتك، يجب عليك مناقشة خياراتك معه في مكالمة فيديو.

وبالتالي، سيساعدك الجراح على وضع توقعات واقعية والالتزام بتوصياته بعد العملية. يمارس الأطباء الأتراك عملهم في الولايات المتحدة ويتخصصون في جراحة التجميل والترميم.

فيما يلي نبذة عن بعض أفضل أطباء تصغير الثدي في تركيا:

قم بزيارة تركيا لتصغير الثدي واستكشف الأماكن الساحرة أيضًا!

تركيا بلد فريد من نوعه يقع على قارتين، مما يجعله سهل السفر وساحرًا للسياح. يزور ملايين السياح تركيا كل عام لاستكشاف الثقافة المتنوعة والأماكن غير العادية والطعام اللذيذ والشعب الودود.

فيما يلي أفضل الأماكن التي يمكنك زيارتها أثناء إقامتك بعد جراحة الثدي في تركيا:

قصر توبكابي في اسطنبول

أفسس - مدينة الآثار الضخمة

كابادوكيا - عمارة العصر البيزنطي

باموكالي - عجائب طبيعية شهيرة

أولودينيز - الشواطئ ذات الرمال البيضاء

المسجد الأزرق في اسطنبول

مسجد آيا صوفيا في اسطنبول

ساحل البحر الأبيض المتوسط في الجنوب - منتجع أنطاليا

ساحل أنطاليا في تركيا

احجز موعدًا اليوم لجراحة تصغير الثدي في تركيا!

قللي من حجم ثديك مع عملية تصغير الثدي في تركيا بسعر أقل بمرتين من السعر في البلدان الأخرى!

سيساعدك PlacidWay في التخطيط لرحلتك إلى تركيا والعثور على عيادة وطبيب مرموقين لتلبية احتياجاتك. اتصل بنا اليوم واحصل على تقدير مجاني للسعر!

تصغير الثدي في تركيا thumbnail

حول الخبرة

  • نطاق السعر: $3,500 - $3,500
  • علاج: Breast Reduction, Cosmetic/Plastic Surgery
  • موقع: Turkey
  • العيادات: Optimed International Hospital, Estemita Aesthetics Clinic of Op. Dr. Hakan Olmezturk, Private Olimpos Hospital,
  • الأطباء Dr. Sibel Atalay,
  • الحزم Reducción de senos en Antalya, Turquía, por la Dra. Sibel Atalay,
  • ملخص اختر عملية تصغير الثدي في تركيا - خيار تصغير الثدي بأسعار معقولة