الدكتور كيهان شاهين أوغلو

Dr. Kayihan Sahinoglu

مراجعات المركز الطبي

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Dr. Kayihan Sahinoglu نظرة عامة على الملف الشخصي

Hair Transplant in Istanbul, Turkey

الدكتور كايهان شاهين أوغلو - أفضل خبير في زراعة الشعر في إسطنبول، تركيا

الدكتور كيهان شاهين أوغلو جراح زراعة شعر مرموق، أجرى أكثر من 4000 عملية زراعة شعر. يقدم هو وفريقه من الخبراء في عيادته عمليات زراعة شعر استثنائية باستمرار. الدكتور كيهان شاهين أوغلو، الحاصل على شهادة البورد الأمريكي لجراحة زراعة الشعر، يضمن زراعة شعر عالمية المستوى.
تقع عيادة الدكتور كايهان شاهين أوغلو لزراعة الشعر في مدينة إسطنبول الجميلة، الممتدة بين قارتي آسيا وأوروبا، والتي كانت محط أنظار الإمبراطوريات عبر العصور. يضمن موقع العيادة الاستراتيجي سهولة الوصول إليها من مطاري إسطنبول أتاتورك وصبيحة كوكجن.
وفّرت العيادة أجنحة جراحية لراحة المرضى. وتتكامل كراسي الجراحة الحديثة والمريحة بشكل رائع مع أجواء الفخامة.

العلاجات والإجراءات:

زراعة الشعر:

  • طريقة استخراج الوحدات البصيلية (FUE)
  • زراعة الوحدة الجرابية (FUT)

تساقط الشعر:

  • تساقط الشعر عند الذكور
  • تساقط الشعر عند النساء
  • الثعلبة
  • العلاج الطبي
لمزيد من التفاصيل حول العيادة اضغط على الزر أدناه:
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    For over a year I researched and consulted various clinics in Turkey, but also clinics in German-speaking countries. Due to my budget and many acquaintances and friends who had their hair done in Turkey, I also decided to go to Turkey.

    Many clinics do an incredible amount of advertising and apparently also finance YouTube videos and experience reports, it is difficult to get a clear picture here. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to talk to acquaintances and friends who had already had a hair transplant and, in addition to the online research, I was able to base my decision on their experience reports and results. Finally, I decided to have a treatment with Dr. Sahinoglu decided for the following reasons:

    1) Number of grafts is not the only criterion. Many clinics advertise 5,000 or more grafts that can be transplanted in one session. I am in my mid 30s and age-related hair loss can progress until around 40. Thats why Dr. Sahinoglu advised to transplant 2,700 grafts in my case. Existing roots can also be damaged when transplanting, which is why the focus was on bald and thin areas, so a second transplant is also possible in old age, as the donor area is still in tact.

    2) Only as much as necessary and as little as possible should be removed from the donor area (at the back of the head). The grafts were removed evenly and after a week the area has healed quite well again, of course the removal area is still red, but the hair is already growing back and covering the red areas. At the airport in Istanbul I saw many other patients whose donor area had been massively harvested from a much smaller area.

    3) At Dr. Sahinoglu the treatment was more expensive than at one of the countless clinics. After a long deliberation, I made a conscious decision, because the result can be seen for the first time after about 1 year and ideally you will have the result for the rest of your life. When I researched my friends, the hair transplant that I had from Dr. Sahinoglu looked most natural. The hairline looked natural and not as straight as drawn with a felt pen, the donor area was removed evenly and the treatment was carried out by Dr. Sahinoglu performed himself, only the insertion was done by his medical assistants. In most clinics it is different, there you see the doctor for the preliminary discussion and the drawing of the hairline and the rest of the treatment is carried out almost exclusively by the assistants, removing the grafts, pricking the hair canals and inserting the grafts.

    4) The treatment was very pleasant, I had visits to the dentist that were more unpleasant. The treatment was really painless and for the first few days after that I had a little swelling but no pain.

    If I had known that the whole procedure is half as wild, I would probably have decided on an appointment earlier.

    Google Sep 07 2021
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    Short version: First Rate Treatment by top hair surgeon and his competent team at a fair price.
    Long Version: I only had my hair surgery today and yesterday, so I cannot judge on the long term result (which of of course does not only depend solely on the hair surgeon but also much on your own proper aftercare, healthy lifestyle, genetic dispositions and what not). But I am convinced Dr. Sahinoglu did an outstanding job, starting form the design of the hairline, the optimal scoping of the procedure, factoring in, esthetics, donor yield and long-term perspective. He calmly answers all your questions and wont rush you into a procedure and he can take his time as you are the one and only patient who will be treated that day. Once the action plan is agreed, it is he who will perform the most critical steps of the procedure himself, from local anesthesia (the only part that unavoidably is a bit unpleasant, everything else is completely pain-free) to extracting the grafts and slitting the reception canals. Only the graft implantation is done by his assistants who are noticeably very skilled and experienced at it and of course monitored by the maestro. In between there are breaks for refreshments and lunch which you are having together with Doctor Sahinoglu while enjoying the panoramic view from the 24th floor. Before, after, and every step of the way photos are taken form different angles. At the end you get fitted with post-op medication and thorough advise on all the "dos and donts" to ensure an optimal recovery and result. Communication was smooth as Dr. Sahinoglu speaks excellent English. For German language customers referred (like me) by the "HealthTravels " agency (who do an excellent job organizing everything around your clinic trip) there is also a German speaking interpreting service included. Pricing I believe is upper league by Turkish standards but so is the quality of the service and when it comes to personal health you dont want to save at the wrong end. From my perspective: a clear recommendation! If you are toying with the idea of hair restoration, this clinic should be on your short-list!

    Google Sep 09 2021
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    I had my hair transplant with Prof. Dr. Sahinoglu in June 2021. Before the decision for surgery, I was reluctant for a long time, but was simply unhappy with my few hairs.
    Especially the decision to travel to another country for this was not easy (I am from Germany). I am therefore all the more relieved afterwards that I had the procedure performed by Dr. Sahinoglu. Communication worked perfectly in English. In addition, through the agency I chose (Health Travels), I also had a supervisor with me who spoke fluent German and Turkish.
    Dr. Sahinoglu managed to make the entire process as pleasant and relaxed as possible. In his clinic, only one patient is treated per day - it is a huge plus that the doctor can focus all his attention on one person. We talked in detail about my expectations and the possibilities, and the individual steps of the treatment were explained. The fact that Dr. Sahinoglu can draw on a wealth of experience was immediately noticeable and one felt directly in good hands.
    The most important steps of the operation (taking grafts and open channels) were carried out by him personally, the insertion of the grafts into the recipient area was carried out under his supervision by the assistants. Sufficient time was always taken and a lot of emphasis was placed on making you feel comfortable. At no time did I feel rushed through the surgery.
    I do not regret my decision for Dr. Sahinoglu for a second and can recommend him without reservation to anyone who is considering a hair transplant.

    Google Sep 26 2021

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نبذة عن المركز الطبي

  • التخصص: Hair Transplantation
  • موقع: Atasehir Brandium R-4 Blok D:268 Istanbul 34750 Turkey Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
  • ملخص: يقدم الدكتور كايهان شاهين أوغلو، أحد أفضل جراحي زراعة الشعر في تركيا، علاجات FUE وFUT المتقدمة لتساقط الشعر في إسطنبول.